The other night, just as I was drifting off to sleep in his arms, it occurred to me that there was no better feeling in the world. When else do you feel as secure, cherished and in need of nothing? If this is not the quintessential goal of a human, I don't know what is. Doesn't everyone relish this feeling when they have it and crave it when they don't? If you could bottle it, if you could make sure that everyone felt this way at least once a week, wouldn't that end all wars? Click on the picture and see how he comes through during the day as well. This was my story-of-our-love-in-letterpress-blocks Christmas present this year.
Wishing you bliss,
This is why I believe it's shortsighted for people to scorn emotions. In my opinion, logic and emotions are merely different tools for understanding the human experience. Ultimately, They are neither mutually exclusive nor contradictory.
ReplyDeleteHow can the irrational person ever achieve true happiness? Positive emotions, such as the love you describe, are consequences of proper living--a sign that we're doing something right.
So, why is everything backwards in the picture?
The blocks were made backwards as a statement of irony made physically manifest, to indicate that only through hindsight can we know whether the road less taken has made all the difference.
ReplyDeleteNo, actually these are blocks for printing presses... so when they are inked and pressed on paper they come out forward.